Stagers Corner
Stager’s Corner – Home Decor
Today on Stager's Corner we talk home decor and what can be used to create minor changes to a space....
Stagers Corner
Today on Stager's Corner we talk home decor and what can be used to create minor changes to a space....
Home Tips
Starting off a new series with different uses for coffee filters around the house. Did you know you can use it with windex for a streak free mirror?...
Stagers Corner
Today on Stager's Corner we talk decluttering, and where you can store your items while you wait for your home to be sold. ...
Home Tips
Want an easy home made recipe to clean the grout in your washroom? Then keep watching to find out what concoction can be used to make your bath/shower sparkle....
Home Tips
Want an easy home made recipe to clean your wood counters/butcher block? Then keep watching to find out what concoction can be used to make your butcher block sparking clean. Hint: It involves lemon and salt & it...
Stagers Corner
Today on Stager’s Corner we have what we like to call Stager’s block. It’s like writers block, but for Stager’s. ...
Home Tips
Want an easy home made recipe to unclog your drain? Then keep watching to find out what concoction can be used to unclog your drain. Hint: It’s the same mixture you used to make volcano’s with in elementary...